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December 03, 2007


Scott Baker

Hi Reg,

Well I don't agree with your pessimism about all things credit, I do admire the serious work that you are doing. I must say I am having some problems following your Ambac model and I wonder if you would know the following from your model.

1) What cumulative net losses are you projecting in your base case for 2006 and 2007 subprime RMBS collateral?

2) What losses are you projecting under your base case for Ambac's $18 billion HELOC exposure?

3) What losses are you projecting in your base case for Ambac's $1.7 billion in BBB auto securitizations?

4) What losses are you projecting for Ambac's $12 billion of insured credit card securitizations?

5) On a more general note, given your very negative credit outlook, what are you projecting for US GDP in 2008?

With this information, I think many of your readers would be in a better position to compare your assumptions with others.

Thanks and great site!

quail hill

I will glean from other blogs who share my viewpoint on this. Notice how all of us have been in the real estate game, in lieu of simply just analyzing it from afar.

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